Title:Ice Cream Queen
Featured onMissing Pieces
Lyrics byGabe McElwain
God save the ice cream queen, my love
And bless her frosted crown, yeah
And bring her back to me
With a music box playing "The Entertainer"

She's been gone a while, and I've been here
With a smile, alone, and I've been thinking about her

God save the ice cream queen, my love
And bless her frosted crown, yeah
And bring her back to me
With a music box playing "The Entertainer"

Did it hurt so bad, my dear, to hear me say "I love you"
And "I'm not sorry" and "I've been thinking about you"?

God save the ice cream queen, my love
And bless her frosted crown, yeah
And bring her back to me
With a music box playing "The Entertainer"

So I guess it's over now, and I guess we're through
But I'll never forget you, your highness
And I'll be thinking about you
So soft, so sweet, but cold
I miss you, your majesty

God save the ice cream queen, my love
And bless her frosted crown, yeah
And bring her back to me
With a music box playing "The Entertainer"

God save the ice cream queen, my love
And bless her frosted crown, yeah
And bring her back to me
With a music box playing "The Entertainer"

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